Artikellijst van de producent: JUCHHEIM Laborgeräte
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Art. nr. | Omschrijving | prijs | |
| SFSNr45 | SFS Electrode Holder - heart shaped Elektrodenhalter zur robusten Verbindung von Elektroden mit Leitungen. z.B. für elektrochemische VersuchsaufbauenAus korrosionsbeständigem MessingFür Elektroden bis 10 mm Durchmesser | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr20 | SFS Multi Functional Bosshead - aluminium Particularly universal socket made of aluminum.Side holes for tripod rods up to 13 mm diameter10 and 13 mm holes on the end faces: This allows the tripod tube and rod to be combined to form a telescopic tripod.Side slots for flat material up to 5 mmTool-free... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr36 | SFS Rectangular Stand Base with Slotted Socket - 210 x 130 mm Schwere Labor-Statviplatte mit zusätzlich geschlitzter Flansch: ermöglicht neben der Montage von Stativstäben auch die Montage von Flacheisen und Plattenaus schwerem Stahl korrosionsbeständige Pulverbeschichtung210 x 130 mmMade in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr1 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 10 x 1 mm, length 230 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 13 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr2 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 10 x 1 mm, length 300 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 13 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr3 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 10 x 1 mm, length 450 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 13 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr4 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 10 x 1 mm, length 500 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 13 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr5 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 10 x 1 mm, length 630 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 13 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04426 | Stand Rod - Ø 12 mm, length 1250 mm - stainless steel Laboratory stand rod - Ø 12 mm, length 750 mm - made of stainless steel.high quality stainless steel tripod rodDiameter 12 mmLength 75 cmMade in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04422 | Stand Rod - Ø 12 mm, length 750 mm - stainless steel Laboratory stand rod - Ø 15 mm, length 1 meter - made of stainless steel.Particularly robust design with 15 mm diameterhigh quality stainless steel tripod rodLength 100 cmMade in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04428 | Stand Rod - Ø 15 mm, length 1000 mm - stainless steel Laboratory stand rod - Ø 15 mm, length 1.25 meter - made of stainless steel.Particularly robust design with 15 mm diameterhigh quality stainless steel tripod rodLength 125 cmMade in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04430 | Stand Rod - Ø 15 mm, length 1250 mm - stainless steel Tripod rod with thread M10 - Ø 10 mm, length 600 mm - stainless steelhigh quality stainless steel tripod rodDiameter 10 mmwith M10 thread on one sideLength 60 cmMade in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 3220010 | Stand Base for Stand Rods Ø 34 mm - width 680 mm - powder coated Robuste Stativklemme aus Edelstahl mit einer max. Spannweite von 25 mmVersatile use in the laboratoryWith temperature-resistant cork insert on the clamping surfacesSpan: 25 mmStem diameter: 12 mmWeight: approx. 150 g100% Made in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04809 | Square Bosshead - span 13 mm - malleable iron - grub screw High quality square socket - span 13 mm - malleable cast iron - hexagon socket screwParticularly versatileVery compact and aesthetic laboratory sleeveMax. Opening: 13 mmMade of particularly robust and durable malleable cast ironCoated with... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04010 | Spatula Spoon - 150 mm - stainless steel Spatellöffel 150 mm aus EdelstahlRobuster Spatellöffel aus EdelstahlSpatel auf der einen Seite, Löffel auf der anderenLänge: 150 mmMade in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 3220000 | Stand Base for Stand Rods Ø 34 mm - width 500 mm - powder coated Großer und schwerer Stativfuß für Stativrohre mit 34 mm Durchmesser. Mit zwei Nivellierschrauben und Bohrungen zur optionalen Verankerung. Besonders gut geeignet um z.B. größere Rührmotoren zu halten. 680 mm breitGewicht: 14,7 kgFür... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04420 | Stand Rod - Ø 10 mm, length 600 mm - stainless steel Laboratory stand rod - Ø 12 mm, length 1 meter made of stainless steel.high quality stainless steel tripod rodDiameter 12 mmLength 100 cmMade in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04424 | Stand Rod - Ø 12 mm, length 1000 mm - stainless steel Laboratory stand rod - Ø 12 mm, length 1,250 mm - made of stainless steel.high quality stainless steel tripod rodDiameter 12 mmLength 125 cmMade in Germany | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 04816 | Square Bosshead - span 16 mm - malleable iron - grub screw Large and high quality square socket - Span 16 mm - Malleable cast iron - Hexagon socket screwLarge variant of the JUCHHEIM square socketParticularly versatileVery compact and aesthetic laboratory sleeveMax. Opening: 16 mmMade of... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr14 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 13 x 1 mm, length 1000 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 10 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr10 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 13 x 1 mm, length 400 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 10 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr11 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 13 x 1 mm, length 500 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 10 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr12 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 13 x 1 mm, length 630 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 10 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| SFSNr13 | SFS Stand Tube - Ø 13 x 1 mm, length 750 mm - stainless steel Stand tube made of stainless steel with ground surface.In combination with 10 mm stand tubes and our SFS socket no. 20, a telescopic function is created, allowing the tubes to be extended as required.High quality stainless steelGround... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |
| 01135 | Suction Pad for Laboratory Burners Special stability for all JUCHHEIM laboratory burners. All JUCHHEIM burners can be retrofitted with this suction base.Sucks the burner on all smooth surfaces, increasing the stability.Fixes the burner on the lab bench. Easy to release due to ventilation... | Prijs op aanvraag Voor 1 stuk(s) |