Zoeken met afbeeldingen: Lovibond Wasseranalytik

Ander labomateriaal

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Set Turbidity Standards T-CAL (5, 20, 800, 4000 NTU) T-CAL® Turbidity... details Silicon oil Silicone oil can be used to prepare sample cells for turbidity... details COD Tube Test (VARIO COD) HR Measuring range 200-15000 mg/l O2, Box with 25... details COD Tube test VLR Range  2.0 - 60.0 mg/L, 25 tubes per Box Lovibond® tube... details COD Tube Test LMR COD Tube Test LMR, Range 15 - 300 mg/l O2, Box with 25... details 5Artikelen als: Nitrate-DMP Tube test LR2 Range 0.2 - 15 mg/L N, 25 tubes per box... details 2Artikelen als: Powderdispenser PD250 Set 1 - Free Chlorine 1 Powder dispenser PD250, 1... details 2Artikelen als: Round vial  Round vial with lid, ø 24 mm, hight 48 mm, 10 ml, set of 12 details Sample cuvettes with black lid, Height 55 mm, ø 24 mm, set of 12 Sample cell... details MD600 Update PC Connection cable MD600 Update PC Connection cable details Verification Standard Kit MD600 Verification Standard Kit MD600... details Verification Standard Kit MultiDirect Zero/430/530/560/580/610/660 NM The... details System check Test set, BOD CM test tablets, box with 10 tablets details Potassium hydroxide solution 45% Potassium hydroxide solution 45%, 50 ml details Nitrification Inhibitor Nitrification inhibitor, 50 ml details Nitrite Tube Test Range 0.3 - 3 mg/L N (M276), 0.03 - 0.6 mg/L N (M275), 25... details Phosphate-total Tube Test LR Range  0.07 - 3 mg/L P, 24... details Floc-Tester ET730 The Floc Tester ET 730 with 4 stirring points is designed... details 2Artikelen als: Floc-Tester ET740 The ET740 is available with 4 stirring positions,... details Phosphate total Tube Test HR Range 1.5 - 20 mg/L P, 24 tubes Phosphate total,... details Phosphate-ortho Tube Test Range 1 - 20 mg/L P, 24 Tubes Phosphate-ortho, 2... details Total Nitrogen Tube Test Range HR 2 TT 5 - 140 mg/L N (M284) und LR 2 TT 0,5... details COD Tube Test (VARIO COD) LR Measuring range 3-150 mg/l O2 , Box with 25... details COD Tube Test (VARIO COD) MR Measuring range 20-1500 mg/l O2 , Box with 25... details 2Artikelen als: Nitrite Tube test LR Range 0.03 - 0.6 mg/L N, 25 tube test per box... details MD100 COD Set-Up The complete COD laboratory from a single source The... details MD100, 2in1 Photometer Chlorine and pH tablet reagents (OTZ) Precise water... details MD100, 2in1 Photometer Chlorine and pH liquid reagents (OTZ) Precise water... details Rubber gasket Rubber gasket, 4.5 cm details BOD sample bottle BOD sample bottle, brown glass, 500 ml details BOD Sample flasks Brown glass, 6 bottles, 500 ml details DEHA Reagent Solution DEHA solution, 100 ml As a rule, liquid reagents do not... details Hydrazine Test powder Powder, 30 g The fast and easy use of powder reagents... details SPADNS-reagent for Fluoride SPADNS Reagent for Fluoride determination, 250... details Phenol Red Solution Phenol Red Solution for the determination of pH-value, 15... details DPD reagent set (liquid reagent) DPD Reagent-Set, pack of 6, each with 15 ml,... details 2Artikelen als: Reagent tablet SULFIDE No. 1 Reagent tablet SULFIDE No.1 tablets packing... details 6Artikelen als: Reagent Tablet DPD Neutralising PU = 100 Tablets Water analysis couldn’t be... details Reagent tablet DPD No. 1 Reagent tablet DPD No. 1 for... details Reagent tablet DPD No.3 Reagent tablet DPD No.3 for Chlorine/Chlorine... details Reagent tablet DPD No. 4 Reagent tablet DPD No. 4 for active oxygen in... details Reagent Tablets DPD No.1 Nessler Ranges 0,01 - 0,1 mg/L Cl2 (M3034),  0,1 -... details DPD No.3 Rapid As a pioneer of the DPD method, Lovibond® changed the... details Reagent Tablets DPD No.1 Rapid Ranges Bromine: 0,2 - 6,8 mg/L Br2 , 1,0 - 8,0... details Reagent tablet Cya Test Reagent tablet CyA Test for Stabilizer (Cyanuric... details DPD No.3 Evo One step ahead with Lovibond®: DPD No.3 Evo contains only... details Reagent Tablets DPD No. 1 HR Range  0,1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 (M104),  0,1 - 10 mg/L... details Reagent Tablets DPD No.2 Neutral Range 0,1 - 1,0 mg/L Cl2 PU = 100 Tablets(PU... details Reagent Tablets DPD No.3 HR Range Chlorine HR 10 T 0,1 - 10 mg/L... details Reagent tablet PHENOLRED Reagent tablet PHENOLRED for pH value in blister... details DPD No.3 HR Evo PU = 100 Tablets (PU 250 and 500 Tablets upon request) With... details DPD No.4 Evo PU = 100 Tablets (PU 250 and 500 Tablets upon request) One step... details Reagent tablet GLYCINE Reagent tablet GLYCINE for chlorine dioxide and ozone... details Reagent tablet NITRITE LR Reagent tablet NITRITE LR packing unit = 100... details Reagent tablet DECHLOR Reagent tablet DECHLOR for zinc packing unit = 100... details Reagent tablet HYDROGENPEROXID Reagent tablets HYDROGENPEROXIDE LR packing... details Reagent tablet EDTA Reagent tablet EDTA for zinc packing unit = 100 tablets... details Reagent tablet AMMONIA No. 1 Reagent tablet AMMONIA No. 1 for ammonia and... details Reagent tablet AMMONIA No. 2 Reagent tablet AMMONIA No. 2 for ammonia and... details Reagent tablet COPPER/ZINC Reagent tablet COPPER/ZINC LR for copper and zinc... details Reagent tablet CHLORINE HR Reagent tablet CHLORINE HR (KI) for chlorine HR... details Reagent tablet PHOSPHATE NO. 1 LR Reagent tablet PHOSPHATE No. 1 LR for... details Reagent tablet PHOSPHATE NO. 2 LR Reagent tablet PHOSPHATE No. 2 LR for... details Reagent tablet MOLYBDATE No. 1 HR Reagent tablet MOLYBDATE No. 1 HR for... details Reagent tablet MOLYBDATE No. 2 HR Reagent tablet MOLYBDATE No. 2 HR for... details Reagent tablet SILICA No. 1 Reagent tablet SILICA No. 1 for silica packing... details Reagent tablet SILICA No. 2 Reagent tablet SILICA No. 2 for silica, packing... details Reagent tablet SILICA PR Reagent tablets SILICA PR for silica in presence of... details Reagent tablet ALKA-M Reagent tablet ALKA-M-PHOTOMETER for alkalinity-m and... details Reagent tablet DEHA Reagent tablet DEHA, packing unit = 100 tablets (packing... details Reagent tablet ALKA-P-PHOTOMETER Reagent tablet ALKA-P-PHOTOMETER for... details Reagent tablet COPPER No. 1 Reagent tablet COPPER No. 1 for copper, packing... details Reagent tablet COPPER No. 2 Reagent tablet COPPER No. 2 for copper, packing... details Reagent tablet IRON LR Reagent tablet IRON LR for iron (II, III), packing... details Reagent tablet IRON (II) LR Reagent tablet IRON (II) LR for iron (II, III)... details Reagent tablet SULFATE T Reagent tablet SULFATE T for sulphate, packing unit... details Reagent tablet ALUMINIUM No. 1 Reagent tablet ALUMINIUM No. 1 for aluminium,... details Reagent tablet ALUMINIUM No. 2 Reagent tablet ALUMINIUM No. 2 for aluminium,... details Reagent tablet ACIDIFYING GP Reagent tablet ACIDIFYING GP for chlorine HR... details Reagent tablet CALCHECK Reagent tablet CALCHECK for calcium hardness, packing... details Reagent tablet HARDCHECK P Reagent tablet HARDCHECK P for total hardness,... details Reagent tablet BROMOCRESOLPURPLE Reagent tablet BROMOCRESOLPURPLE for pH... details Reagent Tablet DPD No.3 High Calcium PU = 100 Tablets (PU 250 and 500 Tablets... details Reagent tablet DPD No. 1 HIGH CALCIUM Reagent tablet DPD No. 1 HIGH CALCIUM... details Reagent tablet PHOSPHATE No. 1 HR Reagent tablet PHOSPHATE No. 1 HR for... details Reagent tablet PHOSPHATE No. 2 HR Reagent tablet PHOSPHATE No. 2 HR for... details Reagent tablet CHLORIDE T1 Reagent tablet CHLORIDE T1 for chloride, packing... details Reagent tablet CHLORIDE T2 Reagent tablet CHLORIDE T2 for chloride, packing... details Reagent tablet MANGANESE LR1 Reagent tablet MANGANESE LR 1 for manganese,... details Reagent tablet MANGANESE LR2 Reagent tablet MANGANESE LR 2 for manganese,... details Reagent tablet PHMB Reagent tablet PHMB PHOTOMETER for PHMB Biguanide,... details Reagent tablet SULFITE LR Reagent tablet SULFITE LR for sulphite, packing... details VARIO Chlorine free DPD F10 VARIO Chlorine free DPD F10, powder pack, packing... details VARIO Chlorine Total DPD F10 VARIO chlorine total -DPD F10, powder pack,... details VARIO Chlorine Free VARIO Chlorine free, 10 ml, 2 reagent vials, refill packs... details VARIO Chlorine Total VARIO Chlorine total, 10 ml, 2 reagent vials, refill... details VARIO Chlorine Free + Total VARIO Chlorine free + total, 10 ml one reagent... details 8Artikelen als: VARIO Cu 1 F10 VARIO Copper 1 F10 Powder Pack, Packing unit = 100 Powder... details VARIO Ferro F10 VARIO Iron F10 Powder Pack, packing unit = 100 Powder Packs... details VARIO Nitra X Tube Tests Lovibond® tube tests enable the user to easily... details VARIO AM Diluent Reagent LR Box with 25 tubes Lovibond® tube tests enable... details VARIO AM Diluent Regent HR Box with 25 tubes Lovibond® tube tests enable... details VARIO Sulpha 4 F10 VARIO Sulphate 4 F10, powder packs, packing unit = 100... details VARIO Manganese Set LR VARIO manganese reagent set LR, 10ml, powder packs,... details VARIO Phosphate Ortho Set Range Phosphate TT 0.02 - 1.63 mg/L P details VARIO Total Phosphate Reagent Set Range Phosphate t. TT 0.02 - 1.1 mg/L P details VARIO Phosphate, acid hydrolyzable, total Set Range Phosphate h. TT 0.02 -... details VARIO Total Nitrogen LR Set Range TN LR TT 0.5 - 25 mg/L N details VARIO Total Nitrogen HR Set VARIO Total Nitrogen HR, 10-150 mg/l, Reagent Set details VARIO NitraX Reagent Set VARIO NitraX 0 - 30 mg/l N, Reagent Set  details VARIO AM Tube Test Reagent Set HR VARIO AM Tube Test HR, Ammonia Reagent Set details VIS Spectrophotometer XD7000 The XD series instruments are ideal for routine... details Calibration solution 1413µS/cm, traceable to NIST Solution, 500ml  For water... details

Andere producten voor spectroscopie

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MD110 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m Liquid reagents, instrument... details

Andere toestellen voor water en afvalwater analyse

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Waste Water Set-Up MD610 Waste water control with mobile data sets You have... details


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pH Buffer solution 4,01 (25 °C) red, traceable to NIST Plastic bottle, 90 ml... details pH-Buffer solution 7,00 (25 °C) yellow, traceable to NIST Plastic bottle, 90... details pH-Buffer solution 10.01 (25 °C) blue, traceable to NIST Plastic bottle, 90... details

BZV apparatuur (BOD)

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2Artikelen als: BOD measurement system BD600, with 6 sample system The Lovibond® sensor... details BOD Measurement Device BD600 GLP Respirometric measuring system optimized for... details

CZV apparatuur (COD)

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Koelkasten (laboratorium, chemicaliën)

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Maatlepels, meetlepels

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Magneetroerstaafjes, magneetroerstaven

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Media voor microbiologie

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Opneemstaven voor magneetroerstaafjes

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Reagentia voor microbiologie

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Toestellen voor elektrochemie

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zonder klasse toewijzing

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